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Please join our usual 2nd Tuesday meeting that will be on April 11, 2023

Come to eat about 5:30 and the meeting starts at 6pm The back room at Sirloin Stockade located at 2508 W. 7th Ave in Corsicana,

We do not have a speaker but want to discuss the City Elections, last month we met Mike Fletcher running for Corsicana Mayor.

Also whatever you have been researching/learning about in National – State – Local politics. Maybe a possible explanation of why the culture has gotten so far off track (Jonathan Cahn)?

Reminder if you have received your tax appraisal, you can protest it until May 1st. There is only a 30 day window.

In my family we protest it EVERY year.

The good news this week is that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Louisiana, who is a GREAT politician, has thrown his hat in the ring to run against Biden in the Presidential Primary.  I had to look him up to find out that he is a democrat.  I have followed him for years and STUNNED that he is not a republican. 

Granted he has a ruined voice box so it is hard for him to speak but he does have his mind.  Should be interesting in the debates. 

Dottie Barnes


silhouette image of person praying
Photo by Rodolfo Clix on Pexels.com

Which do you Celebrate? Easter or the Resurrection of Jesus Christ which is the Way the Truth and the Life! We as Christians need to do a study of all the holidays we cerebrate during the year and what we are bringing into our homes and allowing our children to be a part of them. We need to understand what God’s Word says about Heathen Holidays and what Generational curses, Soul Ties and Transferal and Familiar spirits we allow into our families lives! What Idolatry we allow into our home and lives. Read what the Apostle Paul says this: Satan has always turned something God intended for good and used it for something bad. Example the Tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden and deceived Adam and Eve, that they could be as God. God intended that tree for good for them and us.

Jesus’s Word to the Church Matthew 22:29, and God’s Word in the Old Testament, Isaiah 5:13-14, 29, Hosea 4:6,13, 13:9. It’s about how we err not knowing the Scriptures, having no Wisdom or Knowledge of God’s Word and how His people are calling Evil Good  and Good Evil, put Darkness for Light and Light Darkness. 2Timothy 2:15, 3:14-15 says we are to Study and Search out the Scriptures. Colossians 2:8-17 Paul caution us about the Doctrines and Traditions of man Galatians 4:12 about observing Days Months and Times. Study the Histories of the Holidays we Celebrate during the year – Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, Easter which I will bring out before each Holiday during the year. It is not only the Truth we are to discern, also the Evil. Proverbs 25:2 tells us to search out a matter!

God’s people need to study – the histories of the holidays they celebrate. Halloween, Christmas, Valentines and now Easter, this is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!  The history of this pagan holiday of Easter Ashtoreth, the Queen of heaven is the goddess of fertility and sexual love and uses many names one being Astarte. The word Easter come from the goddess Eostre. There pagan festival occurred the same time of the year as the Christians observed the Resurrection of Christ. Eostre, was changed to Easter. who male consort was the sun god. This is where the Baptists do the sun rise service Easter morning. The sun rises at dawn in the East. The first day of spring rites were celebrated in her honor. Eostre’s symbols were the hare/rabbits and the eggs, both represent fertility and rebirth. There use is part of the pagan sex fertility worship, they even baked bread offerings for them! Jeremiah 7:16-20, Ezekiel 8:5-16 talks about the rituals they did for the Queen of heaven and their gods. Isaiah 42:8 Our God says that He will have no ither gods or graven Images before Him! The Churches have Compromised all these Pagan Holidays Exodus23:13, Romans 1:20. There is no excuse. No idols, or other gods in our lives.       

Many of these gods and goddesses were used as idols in the lives of God’s people in Israel!     

Angela Grauke may be reached by email at 656521@gmail.com.


We’re not buying what the governor is selling

March 3, 2023

Gov. Greg Abbott made a stop at a private school in Corsicana on Monday to sell us on education savings accounts (ESAs) and other voucher proposals that would provide taxpayer-funded entitlements to individuals for private school tuition and other education expenses. As Trustees, parents, and taxpayers, were not buying it.

He talked about parents having more choices regarding the education of their students, but ESAs give private schools the choice of whether to accept a child – not parents. Private schools are able to deny enrollment to students for many reasons, including the need for special education services, behavioral issues, or disciplinary history. In fact, in other states where vouchers have been enacted, between 75% and 90% of users were already in private schools with no public tax dollars to support them. ESAs don’t provide more choices for families; they just provide a refund for those who can already afford to attend private schools.

Gov. Abbott talked about the need to empower parents in the education process especially regarding viewing curriculum and instructional materials, but private schools are not truly accountable to parents. They’re not required to provide information on their budgets, curriculum, or instructional materials like public schools do. Nor are private schools run by publicly elected school board members who must gain the support of parents to even serve as a trustee. Instead, they are run by private boards of appointed members who are accountable only to themselves.

The materials at the event claimed that no public-school funds would be used to fund ESAs, but make no mistake: every dollar directed towards ESAs is funding that could otherwise be used for the benefit of public school students to improve special education services, increase the pool of qualified teachers, and boost literacy programs.

And speaking of funding, ESA programs always end up costing more than initially projected because most individuals using vouchers are already attending private schools. This creates a new draw on state funding that did not previously exist. In Arizona, for example, voucher supporters said the program would cost $30 million to operate, but the program cost jumped to $300 million shortly afterwards.

Texas parents currently have several options for how to educate their kids: public school districts, charter schools, district magnet schools, inter- and intra-district transfers, homeschools, online schools, private schools, etc. Creating a new state entitlement for those who have chosen to not avail themselves of a constitutionally mandated system of free public schools is akin to every other “as-seen-on-TV” product: full of empty promises and always ends up costing more than advertised.

Dr. Seth Brown, President

Cathy Branch, Vice President

Leah Dill Blackard, Secretary

Kamar Chambers

Brad Farmer

Barbara Kelley

Jamie Roman